If you are planning to be involved in any type of lawsuit, there is a good chance that you are going to be looking for a lawyer. You need someone to represent you no matter what. If you are accused of doing something wrong, you need to be defended. If you believe someone else had wronged you, you need help prosecuting that individual. No matter what the circumstance, you need to have a professional stand up for you and take care of the proceedings, the law, and the entire process. It all begins with a consultation.
First Meeting
This is probably the first time that you are meeting with your lawyer, so it might take a while to get some of the basics out of the way. This will include going over some of the information from the incident, looking through paperwork and even deciding if you are going to proceed. If you are going ahead, you need to be able to find out how much this is going to cost, how you are going to be able to pay, and what types of payment plans are available. In some cases, law firms may not look to be compensated unless they are able to win your case. Because this is not the case for all offices, you need to talk to someone about this policy and find out the parameters that surround it.
What You Should Say
You want to be able to explain to them what is going on from your perspective. They need to know as many details as possible including dates, times, and any other people that are involved. The more information that you provide to them, the more knowledge they will have in trying to determine what the best steps are for your situation. Remember that from the time you retain the services of your lawyer, you are covered under attorney-client privilege. Even if you don't want to, it is always a good idea to tell the truth.
What You Should Bring
If you have any type of documentation, now is the time to bring it with you. Depending on the case, your lawyer may need to spend a considerable amount of time looking into everything that you brought. If this is the case, he or she may keep it at the office to use as a reference as they decide what to do. It is always a good idea to have copies made and to make sure that at least one copy is in your personal possession.
While it can be a little intimidating to walk in and be questioned about something that might be personal, remember that this is for your own good. You are seeking out a lawyer to make sure that someone is standing up for you that knows what he or she is doing and can help you out in any way possible. Don't be scared as you sit down to discuss things. Look at the person sitting across from you as one of the ways that you are going to be able to move on with your life and leave some of these incidents and situations behind.